Auburn, Auburn Township
Sangamon County, Illinois

Wimmer Cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in Sangamon County with burial dates from 1828 to 1934.
Mary E. Duckworth died 11 April 1934 and was buried 13
April 1934. She was the spouse of John T. Duckworth who has the GAR tombstone
buried next to his stone. There may also be another veteran buried in the
cemetery by the name of Abraham Wimmer but there is no known stone with that
name on it so this can not be confirmed until we have more data.
There are some Tombstone readings under Cleanup project links!!
People who worked on the cemetery clean up the
second weekend (July 10, 1999) with the exception of Felicie Anderson who is taking the
photo, Pat DeHeve, Chris Costello, James K. Grove and Shawn Ray. From left to
right is Mary Ann Decatoire, Thelma McCulley, Alex Decatoire, Dan DeHeve,
Jane King, Zack Costello, Marvin McCulley, George LeConte, Joanne Costello,
Dan Dixon and Bobbie Meidel.
Resetting Abram Dill's stone. Thelma McCulley is the woman
in the lower picture, her husband (Marvin McCulley) is descended from Jacob Henry Shutt the Rev. War
Fifer. George LeConte is holding the stone in the two close up photos. David
Greifzer is the guy in blue shorts and Mike Rhome is the guy from Arnold
Monument Company who is helping George with the resetting of the stone.

left photo of the Dill stone includes Marvin McCulley to the left of the
picture. James K. Grove, right photo, is a descendant
of Abram Dill beside whose stone he is standing.
Tombstone of Martha Harney and her
infant son Byron who both died ca. 4 June 1857. Martha was the wife of J.
Harney. This was a very fancy stone that was broken in half when we arrived
back at the cemetery in June. Alex Decatoire pinned, caulked and cleaned the
stone over a period of several weeks
On 26 June 1999 a group of Auburn citizens and descendants of the Dill, Loving, Shutt and
Wimmer families gathered together at the Wimmer Cemetery in Auburn, Sangamon County,
Illinois to reset, clean and pull weeds around the burial ground. The following names appear on
the stones that were reset:
Abram Dill died 25 March 1893 age 64 years 3 months 28 days
Henry Loving died 28 December 1843 age 19 years 9 months 20 days
Thomas J. Shutt son of G. B. and L. J. Shutt died 22 March 1854 age 10 days
Eliza Jane wife of Alexander Orr died 4 March 1851 age 27 years 11 months 12 days
Katie M. Orr daughter of S. & J. Orr died 26 March 1879 age 14 years 8 months 9 days
Robert Orr died 23 December 1846 age 56 years 11 months 15 days
William Orr son of A. S. and S. M. Orr died 26 March 1883 21 years 10 months 11 days
Elizabeth wife of W. H. Owen died 5 February 1872 age 25 years 29 days
Jacob Henry [Revolutionary War Veteran] died 1852 and wife Elizabeth Shutt died 1840
Jacob was age 89 and Elizabeth was age 72
W. R. Shutt died 4 August 1906 age 67 years 6 months 4 days
Sarah J. Wimmer daughter of E. G. & M. P. Wimmer died 6 January 1853 age 6 years
27 days
Susanna wife of A. Wimmer died 24 October 1845 age 80 years 4 months
This cemetery has stones which date from 1828 to 1913. The largest of these stones were
placed back into position with the help of a wench and the personnel provided by the Arnold
Monument Company from Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois.
We would like to thank the following people who helped in this cleanup effort:
Dan Deheve - Auburn
Pat Deheve - Springfield
Alex Decatoire - Auburn
Mary Ann Decatoire - Auburn
Dan Dixon - Auburn
David Greifzer - Auburn
David King - Auburn
Jane King - Auburn
George LeConte - Auburn
Lori Little - Springfield
Tom Little - Springfield
Jim Loving - Maryland Heights, MO
Joyce Loving - Maryland Heights, MO
Marvin McCulley - Chatham
Thelma McCulley - Chatham
Roberta (Bobby) Meidel - Auburn
Mike Rhome - Springfield (Arnold
Monument Company)
On 10 July 1999 a second group of Auburn citizens and descendants of the Dill,
Loving, Shutt and Wimmer families gathered together at the Wimmer Cemetery in
Auburn, Sangamon County, Illinois to reset and the monuments located the burial ground.
The following names appear on the stones that were reset:
Herman Ahlers died 8 Feb 1874 age 54 years
David Berry died 13 April 1857 age 34 years 9 months 9 days
William Berry died 22 October 1854 age 21 years 7 months 4 days
Charles D. Crull died 26 October 1869 age 1 year 6 months 3 days
Ezra Dill died 2 July 1837 age 24 years 1 month
Infant daughter of A. & N. Dill died 20 February 1856 age 2 days
Jemima Evans died 18 November 1857 age 23 years 7 months 11 days
Della Finney died 1896
Emeline T. Hanshaw (daughter of E. & M. S.) died 12 August 1847 age 3 years 6 months 11
Susan Harris wife of Wm. P. died 23 March 1881 age 41 years 9 months 3 days
Lewis R. Hart died 9 March 1874 age 54 years
Infant son of J. & S. Henderson died 17 December 1846
Julia A. Henderson wife of J. A. died 19 August 1857 age 22 years 8 months 19 days
Mariah Longstaff wife of Richard died 18 October 1872 age 42 years 2 months 26 days
Richard Longstaff husband of Mariah died April 1857 age 28 years
George M. McKinney son of S. & R. died 17 October 1875 age 16 years 11 months 24 days
Mary E. Moomau daughter of D. & F. died 21 July 1881 age 17 years 2 months 17 days
Barton H. Orr son of H. & M. died 19 December 1861 age 44 years
Eliza Jane Orr wife of Alexander S. died 4 March 1851 age 27 years 11 months 12 days
Emma Orr daughter of A. S. & S. M. died 6 October 1860 age 5 months 18 days
Honor C. Orr wife of A. R. born 7 May 1815 died 11 August 1869
Infant son of A. S. & S. M. Orr died 15 April 1859
Robert Orr son of A. R. & H. C. born 24 February 1851 died 22 October 1851
Obie E. Seals son of N. & M. C. died 5 July 1875 age 4 years 4 months 12 days
Sarah Shutt (wife of Henry) born 7 December 1817 died 27 March 1853
Sarah Jane Shutt daughter of Wm. R & M. L. died 13 March 1864 age 2 years 1 month 14
Jacob B. Shutt son of G. B. & E. J. died 2 September 1860 age 1 year 3 months 26 days
Mahalia Shutt wife of James died 7 August 1841 age 20 years 5 months 3 days (this stone
was not recorded in the 1980 inventory of this cemetery)
Sophia E. Taber daughter of D. B. & J. S. died 21 July 1857 age 2 years 2 months 4 days
Infant Vancil died 6 June 1878
Jacob Vancil died 16 February 1873 age 44 years 6 months 5 days
Sarah J. Wimmer (first wife of G. W.) born 26 January 1798 died 6 July 1852
Rhoda Evans Wineman (this is a foot stone with the inscription "Mother")
We would like to thank the following people who helped in this cleanup effort:
Felicie Anderson - Auburn
Chris Costello - Auburn
Joanne Costello - Auburn
Zach Costello - Auburn
Dan Deheve - Auburn
Pat Deheve - Springfield
Alex Decatoire - Auburn
Mary Ann Decatoire - Auburn
Dan Dixon - Auburn
James K. Grove - Chatham
Jane King - Auburn
George LeConte - Auburn
Marvin McCulley - Chatham
Thelma McCulley - Chatham
Roberta (Bobby) Meidel - Auburn
Shawn Ray - Auburn
A fund is being set up with the State Bank of Auburn under the name of Wimmer
Cemetery Fund for the purpose of collecting money for a flag pole, a sign and possibly a
fence to surround the cemetery. Please contact Jane King at 708 W. Monroe, Auburn,
Illinois 62615 for further details.
On 24 July 1999 the clean up crew gathered together once more
to reset stones and clean around the burial ground. The following names
appear on the stones that were reset:
Hiram Orr died 5 December 1861 age 44 years
Lillie B. Orr died 2 January 1874 age 10 years 9 months 15 days
Mary Orr died 4 January 1874 age 13 years 4 months 8 days
There have been at least two people who are descended from people
buried in this graveyard that have visited the burial grounds in over the
past two weeks Cloyce Palmer of Fairfield, Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. Loving
of Chatham.
It has also been discovered that the burial ground was originally
established in 1824 as the Wimmer Graveyard. We have also determined
death dates for two more people buried in the graveyard they are Mary
Elizabeth Duckworth who died 11 April 1934 and William J[asper]
McKinney who died 7 May 1914.
The committee in charge of the clean up effort has decided to wait
until sometime in September of this year to continue with the restoration
effort as the weather is now becoming a factor in the amount of time
that can be spent at the burial ground.
We would like to express a special thanks to Lyn Pignon for her
efforts over the past several years along with her deceased
husband Desire in maintaining the esthetics and history of the graveyard.
Certificates of appreciation were distributed to all those who have
participated in the past with the cleanup and restoration of the graveyard.
We would also like to thank the following people who helped in this
cleanup effort:
Connie Brown - Waverly
Chris Costello - Auburn
Joanne Costello - Auburn
Zach Costello - Auburn
Marceau Criquelion - Auburn
Pat Deheve - Springfield
Alex Decatoire - Auburn & Mary Ann Decatoire - Auburn
Dan Dixon - Auburn
David Greifzu - Auburn
Jane King - Auburn
George LeConte - Auburn
Marvin McCulley - Chatham
Thelma McCulley - Chatham
David Moose - Auburn
After checking microfilm copies of the Auburn Citizen, B. L Kessler
Funeral HomeRecords and Vancil Funeral Home Records from
Auburn, it has been discovered that thefollowing people who are
buried in Wimmer Graveyard have no markers or tombstones:
Simeon Vancil died about 5 April 1875 age 70, he was the oldest
"old settler" in AuburnTownship he survived the "deep snow" of
Mrs. Mary Vancil died in 1830 and was the first wife of Simeon Vancil
Mrs. Mary A. (Gates) Vancil died 3 February 1873 and was the
second wife of Simeon Vancil.
The death information provided above comes from the History of
the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois by John Carroll
Power, 1876 Springfield, ILL Edwin A. Wilson& Co. and an obituary
in the 8 April 1875 p. 1 col. 3 issue of the Auburn Citizen for
Simeon Vancil.
John Wallace died 20 November 1854 it is likely that he was buried
in Wimmer Graveyardas his wife Eveline is noted as having been
buried in the graveyard. This is only speculationas no records are
available for the time period in which John died. This information
comesfrom page 747 of History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon
County, Illinois by JohnCarroll Power, 1876 Springfield, ILL Edwin
A. Wilson & Co.
Mrs. Eveline (Rieger) Wallace died about 20 August 1876 she was
the wife of John Wallaceof Auburn. This information comes from
24 August 1876 p.1 col. 5 of the Auburn Citizenand page 747 of
History of the Early Settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois by John
CarrollPower, 1876 Springfield, ILL Edwin A. Wilson & Co.
Mrs. John Williams died 17 August 1883. This information comes
from 23 August 1883 p.1 col. 2 Auburn Citizen.
James Vancil died 20 February 1896 while working in the Sugar
Creek Coal Co.'s mine,north of Auburn, was killed by a fall of coal
upon him. This information comes from 27 February 1896 p. 1 c. 4
Auburn Citizen.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Jenkins died 28 February 1896 and was born
15 December 1831. Shewas the wife of Elias J. Jenkins. This
information comes from 5 March 1896 p. 1 col. 3Auburn Citizen.
Miss Willie Rebecca Jenkins died 24 February 1897 she born
in 1871 at Pawnee thedaughter of Elias and Elizabeth Jenkins.
This information comes from 4 March 1897 p. 4 col. 2 Auburn Citizen.
Mrs. Charity Jane (Stamper) Shutt died 27 October 1909 she
was born 8 March 1829. Shewas the wife of Henry Shutt. This
information comes from 5 November 1909 p. 10 col. 1Auburn Citizen.
Marion Orr died 8 November 1910 aged 55 years, 1 month,
16 days was born 22 September1855 two miles southeast
of Auburn. This information comes from 11 November 1910
p. 5col. 2 Auburn Citizen and page 11 of the B. L. Kessler &
Sons Auburn, Ill. Funeral HomeRecords 1903 - 1938.
Walter Wesley Warren died 13 November 1913 aged 1 year
5 months and 6 days. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Warren of Auburn. This information comes from 21November
1913 p. 1 col. 2 Auburn Citizen and page 14 of the B. L. Kessler
& Sons Auburn,Ill. Funeral Home Records 1903 - 1938.
The obituaries for the years 1874 through 1899 have been
proofed multiple times and it is felt that no more death notices
will be found during that time period. The years 1900 through
1934 still need to be gone through to assure accuracy in accounting
for all deathswhich may have resulted in burials within the Wimmer
Graveyard. As of 31 July 1999 thelast known burial in this graveyard
was that of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Duckworth in 1934.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Dixon, President Sangamon County Genealogical Society
31 July 1999
7 August 1999 the following stones were reset using cement:
John T. Duckworth's G. A. R. monument
Robert Orr's original stone
Sarah wife of Henry Shutt
The following stones had caulking added to help with their stability:
One stone with the following names; Andrew Orr, Honor C. Orr, Charles Orr, Robert Orr
and William H. Orr.
The people listed below helped out this weekend:
Mary Ann Decatoire - Auburn
Dan Dixon - Auburn
George LeConte - AuburnMarvin McCulley - Chatham
Thelma McCulley - Chatham
- 9 August 1999
The clean up crew started working on this project back on 26 June 1999. The following is
a summary of the items that have been accomplished this year:
Repaired 71 stones
Obtained 39 obituaries (contact Dan Dixon at Dbutton2@aol.com)
Erected a flag pole
Re-established a fund at the State Bank of Auburn for future expenses
Established contact with descendants of the following families connected with the cemetery:
Crull, Dill, Featherston, Harris, Linkinhoker, Loving, Mackey, Moore, Patton, Seales, Shutt,
Turner, Wimmer and Wineman.
We would like to get in contact with any person related to Jacob Henry Shutt the Revolutionary
War Fife Player for a future reunion.
We would also like to get in contact with any other person who is related to any of the following
families who are buried at the cemetery:
These families lived in and around the Auburn area from about 1818 to 1934.
Please contact Dan Dixon at Dbutton2@aol.com for more details.
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