BARRETT, DR. R. F., moved from Green county, Ky., to Sangamon county about the time of the "deep snow" of 1830 and '31, and settled on Spring creek, in what is now Island Grove township. He had a son born there, and in 1839 Dr. Barrett accepted the position of Professor of Materia Medica, in the Medical College of Missouri, and moved to St. Louis. His son--
ARTHUR B., born August 22, 1835, on Spring creek, Sangamon county, married in St. Louis to a Miss Sweringen. He was for seven years President of the company managing the St. Louis Fair, and it was largely through his influence that it acquired a reputation unsurpassed by any other institution of the kind in America. He was also President of the Missouri Life Ins. Co. He was elected Mayor of St. Louis, was inuagurated April 13, and died April 24, 1875.