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Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1891

These biographies were submitted by a researcher and are abstracted from the above named publication.. Errors could occur, so one should always verify the correctness by obtaining copies of vitals and performing all necessary research to document what is contained herein.

JOHN LOWRY is contributing to the general prosperity of Loami Township by his work as an intelligent farmer and stock-raiser who conducts his interests so as to secure good returns. He was born September 15, 1837, in County Down, Ireland, and is a son of James and Rosanna Lowry.

Our subject was but a boy of thirteen years when he left his early home and came to this country. He first found work on White River, near Indianapolis, Ind., being employed at the rate of $8 a month. For two years he was engaged in the dairy business in Marion County, Ind., and obtained $10 a month for his services. He subsequently worked on a farm in Benton County, Ind., where he was given $10 a month in the winter, receiving his board in addition to his wages.

Our subject came to Sangamon County in 1861 and in that year was married to Mrs. Van Daren, to whom he is greatly indebted for the cheerful help she has given him in the upbuilding of a home where true comfort abides and hospitality abounds. The union has been blessed to them by the birth of two children.

Mr. Lowry has served on the County Board of Supervisors for nine years and has conducted his labors with energetic persistence, prudence and wisdom, devoting himself entirely to the work before him, and as a consequence has a fine farm, upon which he has placed excellent improvements, and whose well tilled fields give abundant harvest in return for his outlay of time, care and money. He is a man of rare common sense, is endowed with good mental faculties and his character for integrity and loyal citizenship is of the highest. Though of foreign birth he is thoroughly Americanized, having passed the most important part of his life in this country, and is as loyal to the institutions of the United States as if he were native and to the manor born. He takes a sensible view of the political situation of the day and has voted always with the Republican party, but at present he is identified with the Prohibition party.

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