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Chicago: Munsell Publishing Company, Publishers 1912

This biography was submitted by a researcher and are abstracted from the above named publication.. Errors could occur, so one should always verify the correctness by obtaining copies of vitals and performing all necessary research to document what is contained herein.

Transcribed by Mary Ann Kaylor

Page 1008

ANDERSON, TAVNER - The Anderson family is one of the best known in Sangamon County, its representatives ranking among the leading men of the central part of the State. One of the progressive farmers of Cartwright Township, who belongs to this family, is Tavner Anderson, residing on Section 1. He was born on Section 11 of this township, January 7, 1862, a son of Thomas F. and Martha L. (Childs) Anderson, fine old pioneers, whose names are associated with all that is best in the county's development. The father has passed away, but the mother survives, to be an object of veneration to her offspring. A more complete sketch of the Anderson family is given elsewhere in this work.

Tavner Anderson grew up on the homestead, and after completing his district school course, attended school in Springfield. Returning home, he resumed farming living with his parents until his marriage, November 28, 1888, to Anna I. Watts, daughter of Albert B. Watts, of Farmingdale, a sketch of whom appears in this volume. After marriage, the young couple bought land, living upon it one years, when in 1889, Mr. Anderson bought a portion of his present farm. In 1900, he erected his present residence, and on January 1, 1801, he entertained the neighbors with a housewarming. This beautiful home is thoroughly modern, with hot water and acetylene lights. In his farm work, Mr. Anderson shows the same progressive spirit he displayed in planning his house, and the results justify his methods. He specializes in shorthorn cattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson became parents of the following children: Charles, born August 20, 1889, at home; Albert Franklin, born December 8, 1891, attended the agricultural department of the University of Illinois at Champaign, and is now at home; Earl Tavner, born April 29, 1895, was accidentally killed August 29, 1909, by falling from a horse, and was buried at Farmington Cemtery; Lester Watts, born November 15, 1897; Martha Amelia, born April 17, 1900; Walter Dustin, born July15, 1904; Lucretia, born September 7, 1906; Elizabeth Jane, born November 28, 1908; Ethel, born July 29, 1910. Mrs. Anderson agrees with her husband regarding the importance of a good education, and plans to give the children every possible advantage.

Mr. Anderson now owns 820 acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. During the years he has lived in the community, Mr. Anderson has been privileged to witness many changes, all of which justify his grandfather's confidence in the future of Sangamon County. Not only has Mr. Anderson made his mark in the agricultural world, but he has found time to bear his part as a member of the Christian Church of which his wife is also a member, and to be a good citizen. No measure of any importance which has as its aim the improvement of the township or county, ever comes up without Mr. Anderson investigating it thoroughly. A good judge of stock, his advice is often asked, and he gives it gladly, for he believe in scientific farming and is trying to bring his children to his way of thinking. As he, himself, grew to manhood, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, so does Mr. Anderson hope to have his sons follow him, and that they may carry on the good work, he has so ably inaugurated, is his dearest wish.

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